Thursday, January 28, 2010

Size 12 Is Not Fat

Size 12 Is Not Fat

By Meg Cabot

Published by Avon Trade 2006 345 pages


Reading Level: Young Adult

Summary: Heather Wells was once a teen pop star but she has been dropped by her record label, her fiance left her for another woman and she has gained a dance size or two. And as If that wasn't enough, her mother stole her entire life savings and ran off to Argentina. Despite all of this, she is completely happy with her new job as an assistant residence hall director, her new life and her new size 12 dress size, but that changes when the bodies of two girls from her residence hall show up at the bottom of an elevator shaft. Everyone is ready to dismiss as an accident, the result of elevator surf, but Heather is not convinced. She is convinced that these girls were murdered. Even though no one believes her, she is determined to find out the truth.

Response: This book is very thrilling and it kept me at the edge of the seat. It would be very good for girls that are looking for strong role model.

Cautionary notes: Brief strong violence and brief strong language

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