Friday, January 22, 2010

Ender's Game

Ender’s Game

By Orson Scott Card

Published By Starscape 1985 324 pages

Genre: Science Fiction

Reading Level: Young Adult

Summary: The Buggers have attacked and the human race believes that they will attack again. To this end, they have created Battle School somewhere in space. In the middle of this is a little boy named Ender Wiggin, in whom all of their hopes rest. However, he has no idea. All of he knows is that they are pushing almost beyond his limit, especially for a little boy, but will they push over the end?

Response: I loved this book. Few books I have read depend on the inner thoughts of a character as much as Ender's Game. The world around him is so well created that you can completely envision it in your head. The only thing that I didn't like about this book is that treachery and trickery of the adults.

Cautionary notes: Moments of extreme violence and language

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