Thursday, January 21, 2010

Briar Rose


Briar Rose

By Jane Yolen

Published by Tor Books 1992 241 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction, Fantasy and Science Fiction

Reading Level: Young Adult

Summary: Becca grew with her grandmother telling her the story of Briar Rose. On her deathbed, her grandmother or Gemma confesses that she is Briar Rose and makes Becca promise that she will find the castle and the prince in Briar Rose. With this promise, Becca sets out on a journey to find out Gemma’s true identity and to cover her grandmother’s hidden past.

Reponse: This book is really good. It particularly fascinated me because of my love for family history. The tale of her grandmother’s past does bring up some of the horrors of the Holocaust and it does get a little graphic, but it give a very accurate picture of the Holocaust.

Cautionary notes: This book contains homosexuality, mild language, violence and horrors of the Holocaust

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