Tuesday, January 12, 2010



By Kristin Cashore

Published by Harcourt Books 2008 471 pages

Genre: Fantasy and Magic, Adventure and Romance

Reading Level: Young Adult

Summary: Katsa is Graced. She is one of many very special people in this society that are born with extraordinary powers, powers that can be useful or utterly useless. Katsa’s Grace was killing. Due to her Grace, and although she was the niece of the king, she is forced to work as his thug. When she meets Prince Po, who is Graced with combat skills, she has no idea how much her life is about to change.

Response: I absolutely loved this book. Although Katsa could be an completely killing machine, she is not because she has a conscience and doesn’t punish people who don’t deserve it, even at the risk of defying the king. The romantic part of the book is wonderful and completely unexpected.

Cautionary notes: Brief scenes of extreme violence, Sex and the use of birth control

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