Thursday, January 7, 2010

Leaving Simplicity

Leaving Simplicity

By Claire Carmicheal

Annick Press 2007 250 pages
Genre: Science Fiction, Mystery, Distopia, Fantasy
Reading Level: Young Adult

Summary: As the daughter of marketing specialists, Taylor has had everything she ever wanted, but with the sudden death of a uncle she never knew, she got something that she definitely didn’t want, a “farmie” cousin named Barrett who moves in with them. Due to his upbringing in a society that is untouched by ads, he is not familiar with her world and Taylor is deeply embarrassed . Barrett’s unfamiliar with the modern world also makes a valuable asset to the world of advertising. Before they know it, both Taylor and Barrett, are drawn into a twisty web of deception and manipulation

Response: This book is based in a world that I hope I never see. It is a world that is completely taken over by advertising and the extent of the technology has eliminated the need for communication and trust between people. The amount of deception that takes place within the Trent-Stokes family is absolutely incredible. Through the use of technology,this family has managed to lie to each other for years. This book is certainly thought-provoking and cautionary to each of us in order to keep technology and advertising from taking over our lives.

Cautionary notes: Occasional bad language, and mild violence

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