Artemis Fowl
By Eoin Colfer
Published by Hyperion Paperback 2001 277 pages
Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Mystery
Reading Level: Young Adult
Summary: Artemis Fowl is a 12 year-old genius, millionaire criminal mastermind. With her father gone and his mother mentally unstable, he decides to take it upon to restore the family, by stealing gold from the fairies. This decision is just one step in his master plan and it will take you on an adventure you never expected.
Reponse: I absolutely loved this book. It is so funny and I found myself cheering for Artemis Fowl even though in a way he is the bad guy. You think that the fairies have gotten the upper hand and then Artemis reveals that it was all part of his plan.
Cautionary notes: Occasional bad language and violence
Cool! I totally am going to read this one. It sounds like fun!