Thursday, January 21, 2010

American born Chinese

American Born Chinese

By Guen Luen Yang

Published by Roaring Brook Press 2006 233 pages

Genre: Family Life, Multicultural, Social Life, Graphic Novel

Reading Level: Young Adult

Summary: This book originally starts as three different stories that combine that in a completely unexpected plot twist. Ali Jin Wang is suddenly the only Chinese American in his new school and he falls for an American girl and tries to change himself to please her. There is also the story of the Monkey King and Danny and his cousin Chin-Kee. Chin-Kee is the perfect negative Chinese stereotype and this visits are ruining his cousin’s life.

Response: I liked this book. It gave me a different perspective and made me think about our presumptions of people from other cultures. For example, the teacher assumes that both Ali Jin Wang and Wei-Chen Sun are both from China and neither of them is.

Cautionary notes: Negative stereotypes and racial slurs

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