Thursday, January 14, 2010

The First part Last

The First part Last

By Angela Johnson

Published by Simon & Schuster 2003 131 pages

Genre: Parents, Emotions and Feelings and Social Issues

Reading Level: Young Adult

Summary: Bobby’s girlfriend Nia tells him on his sixteenth birthday that he is going to be a father. Soon Bobby’s world is turned upside down as his carefree days are visits to the obstetrician and social workers. They are told that the only hope to a normal life would be to put the baby up for adoption. Bobby must decide the right thing to do and find the courage to do it.

Response: I enjoyed this book mostly because it presented a perspective on teen pregnancy that I had not seen explored before. I really made you think about the trials of teen parents and what it must take in order to start their life over and assume the responsibility of another life.

Cautionary notes: Brief sexual scenes and brief strong language

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