Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mara's Stories: Glimmers in the Darkness

Mara’s Stories: Glimmers in the Darkness

By Gary D. Schmidt

Published by Henry Holt and Company 2001 149 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction, Holocaust

Reading Level: Young Adult

Summary: This book is a collection of stories that are told by Mara, a young girl in a concentration camp, to the other women and children in her barracks to help them get through another day.

Reponse: This book experiences the range of emotions of the prisoners of a concentration camp. There are stories of escape, rescue and divine intervention. There are some very funny parts of this book and some parts that almost rip your heart out with their sorrow. The courage of Mara is quite amazing. The ability to go through the everyday horrors of a concentration camp and still be able to help others through stories is quite remarkable, but it is the telling of the stories that she too is able to survive and become alive again.

Cautionary notes: horrors of the Holocaust and violence

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Size 12 Is Not Fat

Size 12 Is Not Fat

By Meg Cabot

Published by Avon Trade 2006 345 pages


Reading Level: Young Adult

Summary: Heather Wells was once a teen pop star but she has been dropped by her record label, her fiance left her for another woman and she has gained a dance size or two. And as If that wasn't enough, her mother stole her entire life savings and ran off to Argentina. Despite all of this, she is completely happy with her new job as an assistant residence hall director, her new life and her new size 12 dress size, but that changes when the bodies of two girls from her residence hall show up at the bottom of an elevator shaft. Everyone is ready to dismiss as an accident, the result of elevator surf, but Heather is not convinced. She is convinced that these girls were murdered. Even though no one believes her, she is determined to find out the truth.

Response: This book is very thrilling and it kept me at the edge of the seat. It would be very good for girls that are looking for strong role model.

Cautionary notes: Brief strong violence and brief strong language

Friday, January 22, 2010

Ender's Game

Ender’s Game

By Orson Scott Card

Published By Starscape 1985 324 pages

Genre: Science Fiction

Reading Level: Young Adult

Summary: The Buggers have attacked and the human race believes that they will attack again. To this end, they have created Battle School somewhere in space. In the middle of this is a little boy named Ender Wiggin, in whom all of their hopes rest. However, he has no idea. All of he knows is that they are pushing almost beyond his limit, especially for a little boy, but will they push over the end?

Response: I loved this book. Few books I have read depend on the inner thoughts of a character as much as Ender's Game. The world around him is so well created that you can completely envision it in your head. The only thing that I didn't like about this book is that treachery and trickery of the adults.

Cautionary notes: Moments of extreme violence and language

Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl

By Eoin Colfer

Published by Hyperion Paperback 2001 277 pages

Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Mystery

Reading Level: Young Adult

Summary: Artemis Fowl is a 12 year-old genius, millionaire criminal mastermind. With her father gone and his mother mentally unstable, he decides to take it upon to restore the family, by stealing gold from the fairies. This decision is just one step in his master plan and it will take you on an adventure you never expected.

Reponse: I absolutely loved this book. It is so funny and I found myself cheering for Artemis Fowl even though in a way he is the bad guy. You think that the fairies have gotten the upper hand and then Artemis reveals that it was all part of his plan.

Cautionary notes: Occasional bad language and violence