Saturday, May 29, 2010

Daisy Comes Home

Daisy Comes Home

Written and Illustrated by Jan Brett

Publisher:G P Putnam’s sons 2002

Genre: Picture books, Action, Adventure and Self-Esteem and Self-Respect

Reading Level: Ages 4-8


Daisy is a chicken who is picked by all the chickens, and she has to sleep in the mud of the henhouse floor. One day, she gets tired of being picked on and tired of sleeping in the mud, so she sleeps in one of the market basket. She gets swept down the river and meets lots of different creature and has to defend herself against them. In the morning, Mei Mei, her owner noticed that she is missing and goes looking for her. Daisy had been captured by a fisherman, but when she sees Mei Mei, she escapes and Mei Mei takes her home. When the rest of the chickens try to pick on her, she uses the defenses that she used on the creatures that she met on her trip and they stopped picking on her and she could sleep on the perch.

Response: I liked this book very much. Not only is it a good story, but it also covers the subject of bullying in a very creative way.

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