Thursday, May 27, 2010

Brothers in Valor: A story of Resistance

Brothers in Valor: A story of Resistance

by Michael O. Tunnell

Publisher: Holiday House 2001 260 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction, and War

Reading Level: Ages 9-12

Summary:Rudi, Helmuth, and Karl are three LDS teenagers growing up in Germany during the reign of Hilter. They joined Hilter’s organizations, only because it is mandatory and in order to protect their families. They soon realize the cruelty and violence of the Nazi group. After they witness Kristallnact or the Night of Broken Glass, they realize that they have to fight back to free Germany from Hilter. They listen to BBC and typed up handbills of what is broadcasted on the BBC. The SS and Gestapo quickly arrest them one by one and they are sent to Concentration camp Fuhlsbuttel, where lack of sleep and of food are the easiest part. While they were there, they transported to Gestapo Headquarters on a regular basis for interrogation and torture.

After months at the camp, they are transported to a prison in Hamburg. They are sentenced to trial in the People’s Court, a court reserved for Hilter’s most hated enemies. Most of the people that are tried there are executed. The outcome was tragic, Helmuth was sentenced to death, by guillotine. Rudi was sentenced to ten years imprisonment and Karl to 4 years imprisonment.

Response:I liked this book very much. It has a very thought provoking message.This book is a powerful example that even when it is not popular or safe, we must stand up for right.

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