Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Looking Glass Wars

By Frank Beddor

Published by Dial Books 2006 358 pages

Genre: Action & Adventure Thriller, Fantasy, Science Fiction and Magic

Reading Level: Young Adult

Summary: This book is a different twist on Alice in Wonderland. In this version, Alyss is a princess in Wonderland and she had to flee at the age of eight, after her parents, Queen Genevieve and King Nolan were killed by Redd, who then took over the throne. Alyss ends up on Earth and then 13 years later, Hatter Mardigan finds her and takes her back to Wonderland to defeat Redd. Will she succeed or will Wonderland be under Redd's thumb forever?

Response: I really liked this book. I really liked the new twist on a classic tale, but at the same time, it created a whole new world, so that it completely independent from the classic. I would recommend this book to anyone who looking for an adventure that will keep them on the edge of their seat.

Cautionary notes: Violence, and magical realism

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